

Living for Story, Story for Living. Enjoy your living, live while we're young.


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Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Use Your Own Please!!!

Hi guys, I'm here now, Did You miss me again ??? hahahaha... It;s unfunny I know.
Ini ceritaku,. Aku tuh orangnya ngirit. Ya,.. wajarlah secara anak sekolah kan masih minta orang tua. Tapi ngiritnya ya gak sampe kebangetan, misalnya gara-gara kamu ngirit air, kamu gak mandi seharian, tapi mandi pake debu.,(emang ada?) ato gara-gara kamu ngirit dengan menekan pengeluaran, kamu malak temenmu pas lagi di kantin sambil bawa sedotan limun, "Bayarin gue ato gue colok mata lo pake sedotan!!!"
Meskipun aku ngirit, tetep aja aku punya alat tulis dan laen2 yang lumayan lengkap. Terus kalo ada temen yang pinjem ya, pinjem aja toh gak tiap hari gitu n dia emang beneran gak bawa. Naaaah berasal dari situ, aku punya temen namanya (samaran aja) Yiippi Yeee ato disingkat Y2 biar gak panjang amat.
Si Y2 itu suka banget minjerm alat tulisku, n kadang kalo minjem itu dibawa pulang, gak dikembaliin n baru dikembaliin besoknya pas minta, kalo inget.
Sebenernya sih gak papa dia pinjem, tapi kalo tiap hari dia minjem kan ngeselin juga. Apalagi dilihat dari ekonomi keluarga dia lebih mampu dari aku. Next suatu hari pas aku lagi sebel sama dia dengan kebiasaan buruknya itu, aku curhat ke soulmate-ku yang dulunya adalah temen sebangkunya Y2, dan ternyata soulmate-ku bilang kalo si Y2 itu pelit, soalnya semua alat tulisnya itu disimpen di dalem tas n dia minjem punya orang trus gak make punya dia ndiri. HADUUUHH, pengen aku bully tuh anak!!!

Lalu pada suatu hari dia seperti biasa pinjem alat tulis. Langsung aku ambil tempat pensilku n bilang, punyamu mana??? Eh dianya dengan enteng bilang kalo dia males ngambil alat tulis yang ada di tasnya!!!! Jawaban yang gak bisa diterima secara riil...

Terus, keesokan harinya sampe hari ini setelah aku sering sering bilangin dia n berusaha "pelit"......
GAK ADA YANG BERUBAH SAMA DIA!!! Tetep aja gitu....
HaDuuuhhh emakkkk....


Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Salah Paham yang Pahamnya Salah

Aku lagi tergila-gila sama english. gak biasanya...kalo lagi ngomong suka dicampur english-english gitu, padahal grammarnya ancur, tapi PeDe aja...
Oiya, aku jadi inget kejadian 1 tahun lalu pas aku kelas XI yang ngebuat aku jadi lebih ngebet tuk belajar english lebih dalam. Ceritanya gini...

Waktu itu kalo gak salah jam pelajaran ke 5. Pelajaran english pada hari Rabu adalah 5 & 6. Naah aku hari itu kebelet pipis, soalnya dari tadi belom istirahat coz ada ulangan, jadi istirahatnya ditunda dulu. Pas gurunya belom masuk aku ngajak temenku buat nganterin aku ke toilet,. tapi semua temenku gak da yang mau,..huuuu, cuma gara2 gak bisa ngomongnya gimana kalo pake bahasa inggris. Aku uda yakinin ke dia, aku aja yang ngomong,eee tetep aja dia nya gak maoo...
Jadi terpaksa aku ke toilet ndiri, then pas aku keluar dari pintu, gurunya uda di depanku.Aku inget kata-kata yang sopan buat ke toilet dalam bahasa inggris...Kata guruku yang pernah ngajar di Hawai, bilangya itu gak boleh ke toilet, jadi kata-kata toilet diganti sama "restroom".
Yaa uda dengan PeDe yang sangat tinggi aku bialang ke guru, "Excuse me sir, may I go to restroom plisss? Guru englisku malah menatapku dengan tatapan heran, n pertanyaan yang tak ku duga sebelumnya muncul.."for what??" katanya. Wah pantas aja aku bingung, ke toilet masih ditanya for what??
Dalam pikiranku,..pipis bahasa ingrisnya apa ya??? Terus aku tanya lagi ke gurunya n beliau jawab, for what??
Aku baru sadar tenyata restroom dikira ruang UKS, n setelah aku bilang toilet baru aku boleh keluar.., aku jadi bertanya-tanya, apa toilet itu restroom ya??? Ato jangan2 aku salah dengerin antara washroom sama restroom? Tapi emang washroom ada,? perasaan gak pernah denger deh...
Then keesokan harinya aku ke perpus buat cari majalah yang isinya bahasa Inggris semua, nah di situ ada "Dirty Dictionary" pas aku cari ternyata restroom itu toilet.... haduuuuhhh gara-gara salah paham nih...


Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Wasting Day

Hello guys,...

That morning, I went home at 9 am (again)cos there were meeting with our parent and the principal on our school. I was happy cos usually went home in the morning in a week. But, the next  week was nothing, so it was the last that I went home in the morning. I should enjoy it be better cos it was the last. So, I went to supermarket in my town with my friend, Eri cos we had gotten much money on Eid-Ul Fitr hehehehe...
1st, I went to Planet Toys, a shop that just sold toys. We bought the same pocket. I wanted to bought a doraemon photo frame, but it was sold out,huhuhu...
then the 2nd We went to supaermarket. we must saving in our money, but it was the opposite. We bought not useful things. I spent my money.,besides I wanna save it for the new Raditya Dika's book, Marmut Merah Jambu that I not have yet, huhuhu
It was wasting day..

Jumat, 09 September 2011

It;s the Best Day

 You know guys, aku seneng banget hari ini coz tadi pagi di sekolah jamnya pada kosong, jadi isinya cuma tugas, tugas, n tugas aja. Meskipun sebenernya dikumpulin hari ini juga, tapi yang namanya kelas yang kompak pastinya nunggu temen-temen yang laen juga. Jadi ngumpulinnya kapan-kapan...hehehehe..
Sebenernya dari 6 kelas IPA, yang paling yaaah menyenangkan itu ya kelasku, mungkin hanya satu satunya kelas IPA yang paling beda n kentara kalo IPA 2 ya kelasku.
Then bukan cuma itu aja kejadian yang menyenangkan hari itu,. Gini, pada jam terakhir itu pelajaran BK, tapi gurunya nggak ngisi di kelasku, tapi diganti sama alumni SMA N 1 Jepara yang masuk STAN,. wow STAN dalam pikiranku nie pasti anaknya pinter banget. Siapa sih yang gak pengen masuk STAN. Secara lulusan dari STAN pada jadi orang sukses semua.Oiya adanya penyuluhan ini karena kami uda kelas 12 yang pastinya akan kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi. Well..orang yang masuk ke kelasku itu alumni th 2008, jadi ya kami semua tahu orangnya. Setelah ngejelasin semua hal tentang STAN sampe cara masuk n di sananya gimana selama 45 menit ditambah sesi tanya jawab, tiba-tiba ada cowok, temennya kakak yang cupa-cuap di kelasku. Pas pertama liat...penilaian pertama pasti daari face,...yaitu dia imyut banget, keren sumpah. Tinggi dengan potongan rambut kayak tentara, badannya tegap kayak polisi, . n yang pasti putiiiiihhhh bangetpadahal dulunya dia itu pebasket di skul-ku. OMG...wajahnya tuh mirip banget sama sammy yang maen dalam film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. Yang pasti so sweet banget.
Next setelah kakak yang imut tu masuk, semua temen temen cewek langsung pada senyum senyum gitu, termasuk aku n ternyata kakak imut tadi gak sengaja liat aku pas lagi senyum-senyum ndiri....hahahahaha

Welll sampe-sampe, aku gak lupain wajahnya gitu aja. Oiya kakak imut tadi juga kuliah di STAN, tapi jurusannya itu di bea cukai....


Sabtu, 03 September 2011

I Can't Forget It Guys

Kemaren aku abis ke pantai yang sumpah, bersiiiih banget, namanya pantai Bondo kalo gak salah jaraknya sekitar 15 km dari kota. Tapi sayangnya tempat ini yaah kayak kurang diperhatikan, belum ada perbaikan sama pemerintah. Tapi aku salut banget sama warga sekitar yang ramah tamah n ngelola Pantai ini hingga tetep bersih. Then yang disayangkan juga, jalannya itu cuma jalan setapak. Belum aspal gitu, jadi debunya kemana-mana.,juga di sini pantainya agak curam, jadi kalo renang hati-hati. Tapi aku salut banget soalnya ini pantai terbersih yang pertama kali aku datengin. :)
photos-nya aku upload belakangan soalnya susah kalo pake modem, bisa-bisa beberapa jam di depan monitor cuma buat 1 photo
see U guys

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Bad Idea on Eid Ul-Fitr's Night

Hai all...
okay, 1st I wanna say happy Eid Ul-Fitr for all moslem in the world, and the 2nd, I want to tell you about my story.

Last night was Eid Ul-Fitr's Night, so the town hall was very,very and very crowded. It was my 1st time I went to town hall, coz didn't like downtown before and I knew that it was very crowded. I went to town hall with my family and the baddest idea for go to town hall in the Eid Ul-Fitr's Night  was by car. So can you imagine it? It was same with Jakarta.,huhuuuh...my car couldn't go forward or go back. And the town hall just 2 km from my house and we just need 5-10 minutes. But last night, I spent it until 1,5 hours..I was boring...

well nothing all bad day, the funny is when the way to went to town hall was closed for car, and the policeman was playing his HP, I entered the way and the police just laughing (sorry for policeman who worked in front of SD Kanisius :D). then after I past the police, the next way was crowded. So I couldn't set my car., huhuhu, maybe the laughed police was main "poor people!!"

Then after I rounded the way from the crowded, I saw the young policeman, he was so cute and handsome, and I saw the girl pretended to cross the way, so the pilce could helped her ;D

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

I Lay My Love on You

Just a smile and the rain is gone

Can hardly believe it (yeah)
There's an angel standing next to me
Reaching for my heart

Just a smile and there's no way back
Can hardly believe it (yeah)
But there's an angel, she's calling me
Reaching for my heart

I know, that I'll be ok now
This time it's real

I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you

I was lost in a lonely place
Could hardly even believe it (yeah)
Holding on to yesterdays
Far, far too long

Now I believe its ok cause this time it's real

I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you

I never knew that love could fell soo good

Like once in a lifetime
You change my world

I lay my love on you
You make me feel brand new
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you

I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you

I lay my love on you
You make me feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you

As I lay my love on you

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Colour My World

oleh: Westlife

Ohhh no

Everybody needs affection
Looking for a deep connection
So put a little bit of love in my life today
Everybody needs some shelter
Spend a little time together
Come into my arms
Let them tell you what I want to say

Color my world
Draw on my heart
Take a picture of what you think love looks like
in your imagination
Write on my soul
Everything you know
Use every word you've ever heard
To color my world

I've had enough of not believing
Living life without a meaning
I want something real and I feel it when I'm next
to you
Let's put out some love and devotion
Window to my heart's emotion
'Til the very end
It's the place I'm gonna keep you in, yeah yeah
yeah yeah

Color my world
Draw on my heart
Take a picture of what you think love looks like
in your imagination
Write on my soul
Everything you know
Use every word you've ever heard
To color my world

Color my world, yea
Let's make a world for you and me
That were never gonna leave, yea
Color my world
Why won't you color my world
Draw on my heart, yeah
Take a picture of what you think love looks like
in your imagination
Write on my soul (write on my soul)
Everything you know
Use every word you've ever heard
To color my world

Ooooh ooooh, oooooh ooooh ooh
Won't you do it
Won't you color my world
Ooooh ooooh, oooooh ooooh ooh
Use every word you've ever heard
To color my world
Everybody needs affection
Looking for a deep connection
Oh, color my world

Catch My Breath - Westlife

Top of Form
We were kids in highschool
when I first met you
even then you were the prettiest girl that i never knew
and we carved our names on everything that we could find

like all kids do
And the old times has passed
I still get surprised at
the bullet in my chest

when i know you're coming by
if this feeling's proving anything, it's not everything's gonna change with time
You're still mine

Did you know when you're around
my heart won't, it can't slow down
it beats so hard, makes it hard
to catch my breath

to catch my breath
Don't ever ask me if i'm sorry
when i'm here with you
Baby you can bet i don't regret

the girls i never knew
Every day?s another first
Another change for me
to fall in love with you

and i do
When you're with me
I stop seeing

Any way to fail how do I explain
i try to tell you what i'm feeling
But how do I when all words pale

Another World

In another life
Maybe we see everything
In a different light
Like an endless summer

And in the years from now
We'll all be living
The same old certain dream
That we imagined would be

Somewhere high
Somewhere high above the clouds
We could live there safe and sound
Far away from where we are
Yeah we'll find our star
But maybe that's another world

In another life
And the sun would shine
For you and me yeah
Chasing the storm from the sky
Altogether love would come and save us
And we would let it take us

Far away from where we are
Yeah we'll find our star
But maybe that's another
We would fall in love you see

Westlife When You’re Looking Like That

When you’re looking like that
Yeah yeah
She’s a 5 foot 10 in catsuit and Bambi eyes
Everybody’s who’s staring
Wouldn’t believe that this girl was mine
I should have known I was wrong
When I left her for a life in pity
But they say you never miss the water until it’s gone, yeah
Guess I failed to love you
And you’re taking it out tonight
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
I can’t believe what I just gave away
Now I can’t take it back
I don’t wanna get lost
I don’t wanna live my life without you
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
She’s all dressed up for glamor and rock and roll
Wanna squeeze her real tight, get out of this place
If only I could take control
But she is out of my reach forever
And just a week ago she lied next to me
It’s so ironic how I had to lose just to see
That I failed to love you
And you’re taking it out tonight
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
I can’t believe what I just gave away
Now I can’t take it back
I don’t wanna get lost
I don’t wanna live my life without you
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
I don’t wanna forget you
I don’t even wanna try
How am I supposed to walk on by
When you’re looking like that?
How am I supposed to leave you?
I can’t believe what I just gave away
‘Cause I can’t take it back, I’m lost
I don’t wanna live my life without you
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
I can’t believe what I just gave away
Now I can’t take it back
I don’t wanna get lost
I don’t wanna live my life without you
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?
I can’t believe what I just gave away
Now I can’t take it back
I don’t wanna get lost
I don’t wanna live my life without you
How am I supposed to leave you now
When you’re looking like that?

Season in the Sun

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
We ve known each other since we
Were nine or ten
Together we ve climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and abc s
Skinned our hearts and
Skinned our knees

Goodbye my friend it s hard to die
When all the birds are singing
In the sky
Now that spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I ll be there

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were
Just seasons out of time

Goodbye papa please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song
Wonder how I got along

Goodbye papa it s hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them I ll be there

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the songs like the
Seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like
The seasons have all gone

Goodbye michelle my little one
You gave me love and helped
Me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on
The ground

              Seasons In The Sun

Goodbye michelle it s hard to die
When all the birds are singing in
The sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were
Just seasons out of time

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone

We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone