

Living for Story, Story for Living. Enjoy your living, live while we're young.


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Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

I'm Directioners :)

Oiya gue
Kali ini gue mau cerita apa lagi ya?? Gue lagi nunggu hasil download lagunya One Direction nih, lama...
ditambah gue juga lagi nunggu temen di kampus, jadi ya sekalian online mumpung wifinya lumayan cepet.
 Lagunya breeww..so sweet banget...
suka banget sama One Direction.

Sejak muncul dengan What make you beautiful gue mulai suka. Lirik lagunya itu bikin gue senyum senyum n melting hehehe...soalnya tentang pujian buat perempuan yang kata "you light up my world like no body else" woooo :D
Then, lagu yang judulnya One Thing, you will feel this feeling when you're feeling in love and when you're remembering when someone said that he love you :) "I need that one thing, and you got that one thing" ;)
Gue nyadar kalo lagu ini so sweet ketika gue lagi nonton TV and ada acara apa gitu, pokonya nyeritain kalo ada cowok yang suka sama cewek. Si cowok nembak ceweknya pake lagu ini n dinyanyiin bareng temen2nya satu2..jadi seolah2 temennya ini mau ngasih tau kalo si cowok bakalan giving surprise ke dia. Biarpun lipsync but it's okay...cara kreatif n yang pasti semanis gula :*
After that Live While We're Young..,semangat ya mumpung masih muda. wajar aja kalo "let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun" ;) Lagu ini pembakar semangat gue pas baru bangun n males kuliah :P
The next, I wish!!!! Cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan :( *soo pitiful* ceritanya itu cowok yang suka sama cewek tapi si cewek nggak tau kalo si cowok suka sama dia. Pas di suatu malam dalam pesta dansa, si cowok pengen nembak ceweknya tapi dia malah liat si cewek lagi dancing sama cowok lain then mereka kissing. Si cowok sedih banget, dan berharap si cewek tau kalo dia punya "feeling" sama si cewek...
Dari liriknya aja udah ketahuan kalo nih lagu bikin nyesek loh "but I see you with him slow dancing tearing me apart cos you don't see, whenever you kiss him I;m breaking, oh how I wish that was me"..,yang galau siapin tisu yah, atau lo bakalan banjir air mata ;)
Yang pasti tiap kapanpun, terutama kalo pagi pas gue boring atau males buat kuliah daftar playlist gue sudah pasti one direction semua. Every morning, bahkan dimulai sejak gue woke up, alarm gue udah one direction.
Live While We;re Young, guys...Semangat selagi masih "Younger" :)

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Gave Weekend for Us

Last week n this week I have no weekend anymore!!!! Not only me but all of biology scholars. FYI all of biology scholars have mid term exam for all experiment in this lesson. Started from animal body structure, bio chemistry and plant morphology. On the last Friday was the first test, animal body structure. Wow...not a good news for the test process. I love this lesson, but the test was not easy like when we had post test before did the experiment. I could do just a little test. I forgot any material cos I was nervous., I fooled in the first test :'( I wanna looked the result to know it...
Then, on Saturday, we should have a holiday for Saturday and Sunday, but cos of this midterm test I should come to campus early. I was freak today. Biochemistry was scared for me because in this test we should do the experiment, but we didn't know what experiment that we had done. So we should study very2 hard and knew all of the material out of the box!!!! The problem was every experiments had different measurement about the elements, liquid, reagent, and soon. It was soooo terrible :(
I was freak to study and maybe felt stress. To decrease that felt, I bought many many many bars of chocolate and many bottles of cola, I though it could make me felt happy, calm and comfort, to decrease my stressing :)
When I did the experiment it was satisfy and success brooo...amazing, God help me to found the easily. I could do it. I would wait for the result :)
The last experiment test was plant morphology, It was sadly. I was nervous n forgot the lesson that I had been studied. Every I looked the leaf preparative, I forgot what the name is and the first problem was I never know n look the sample, so I didn't know what the sample name :'(
But I hope I could get good remark as the changing of my hard work on the holiday when almost all scholars were still slept in their dream and walked for the holiday. I hope God bless all of the biology scholars that have their hard work and all the scholars when their were very2 busy and didn't enjoyed the holiday with refresh their mind :D amiin :)

Mati Lampu, Dikira Hantu

Hai semua., lama banget gue gak buat postingan baru. Well gue mulai agak2 gimana gitu g punya ide buat postingan baru. Gue mau cerita nih, sebenernya sih udah lama cuma ini yang kadang bikin gue cengar cengir aja kalo inget sampe suka dibilangin sama housemate gue >> "El, waras??"
Ceritanya berawal dari isu dan gosip yang muncul ketika status gue masih mahasiswa semester 1. Waktu itu beredar kabar ntah itu isu apa beneran gue nggak tau. Yang pasti ada cerita kalo ada dosen yang ngajar di kuliah malem itu bukan dosen asli melainkan dosen boongan alias kakinya melayang. Santer banget n beberapa hari jadi buah bibir di hampir semua fakultas. Imbasnya pada mahasiswa yang ada kuliah malem n mahasiswa baru yang expert banget sama kejadian kayak gitu jadi parno buat pulang sore terutama kalo habis maghrib. Termasuk gue yang ikutan parno kalo pas jalan sendirian pulang dari kampus.
Nah disuatu malam yang damai, di kos gue. Gue habis wudhu buat sholat isya' n tiba2 listrik mati. Gue yang notabene takut sama gelap langsung teriak n ditemenin sama kakak tingkat semester 3 di kos gue, namanya Mbak Ika. Sambil ditemenin bawa senter gue dianter ke kamar gue.
Di kamar gue ada roommate gue, Tika. Dia yang bawain gue senter ketika gue sholat. Setelah salam, gue lagi berdoa n doa gue g khusyuk pas gue denger mbak Ika lagi ngomongin kejadian "dosen" yang jadi buah bibir itu. Gue yang terpancing, duduk di belakang Tika dengan masih pake mukena. Tika yang bawa senter tiba2 liat ke gue sambil senternya diarahin ke muka gue. Tiba2 aja dia langsung teriak n mau kabur. Gue yang kaget n takut gelap langsung narik bajunya Tika biar g kabur. Anak2 di kos gue yang lagi cerita "dosen" tadi pada kaget n marah2 cos udah malem juga. Terus setelah dijelasin ternyata.....
Si Tika kaget liat muka gue yang pake mukena n kena senter jadi kayak hantu, ditambah lag denger cerita dari homemate tentang "dosen" tadi yang auranya kebawa horror n gelap gara2  mati lampu -___-
Gila..gokil...cetar membahana... langsung ngakak gue kalo inget kejadian itu....
Masa orang habis sholat bisa2nya dikira hantu :D